The UK Visitor Visa allows a person from outside the European to visit the UK for up to six months. To visit the United Kingdom, a person requires permission to do so. This permission can be in the form of the UK Visitor Visa or Leave to Enter the UK. A visitor has to apply for the UK Visitor Visa before travelling to the UK
Do’s for UK Visitor Visa
The UK visitor visa allows a person to:
- To take a holiday in the UK.
- Visit family or friends.
- For business reasons.
- To take part in sports or creative events.
- Receive private medical treatment.
- Study for up to 30 days, provided this is not the main reason for your visit.
- If you are under 18 years, you may take part in an exchange programme or educational visit.
Don’t for UK Visitor Visa
- You are not allowed to do paid or unpaid work.
- You cannot through frequent visits to the UK basically live in the UK.
- There is no access to UK Public funds.
- One cannot marry, register a civil partnership or give notice of marriage or a civil partnership. You can only do this if you have applied for the Marriage Visitor Visa
Things you need to proof;
- You have to show that you will leave the UK at the end of your visit.
- That you are able to support yourself and any dependents during your trip.
- That you are able to pay for any costs relating to the trip, as well as the onward journey.
- You have to show proof of any business or other activities you will be doing in the UK.